12. What will and won't the Better Bedder® do?

We know that the Better Bedder® does not solve every problem. It won't keep your sheets wrinkle-free (they will wrinkle when you sleep on them). On some mattresses, the Better Bedder® may be loose because your mattress is not sturdy. While your sheets will look great all day, as Nita explains in the video below, once you sleep in the bed, your sheets will wrinkle.

Better than a $15 sheet fastener, the Better Bedder® fastens your sheets and also: You won't kick sheets out. You won't lift the mattress. You will never tuck sheets under your mattress. You won't need help making your bed or changing your sheets. 
Your bed skirt stays in place, hooray! Your bed sheets will fit snugly on your mattress, and you can even use a BIGGER size fitted sheet or a SMALLER size flat sheet (crazy, huh?). It will hold a ton of items for you including your iPad, phone, books, glasses, CPAP mask, asthma inhalers. The list goes on. So even if you buy it for one reason and you are not happy about that reason, you may find another reason to love the Better Bedder®.

Also, you can easily untuck one bottom corner of your sheets from the Better Bedder® while keeping the other bottom corner tucked. It's amazing! If you sleep untucked but your partner sleeps tucked under the covers-no problem...the Better Bedder® will work. Check out Nita in our video below explaining this.

Finally, watch Nita's daughter, Blake, demonstrate in the video below how you can tuck that book into the side of your Better Bedder® along with your glasses, and remote control. You may not even need a nightstand anymore!