It’s NOT the sheet! It’s your mattress!

Why won’t my bed sheets fit my mattress NO MATTER how many different types of bed sheets and sizes I buy?

It’s NOT the sheet! It’s your mattress! 

How do we know this? We invented a product to help solve the annoying problem of bed sheets popping off the corners of your mattress as well as bed sheets generally not fitting the mattress properly. Our product works!! The Better Bedder works on EVERY standard mattress size. When doesn’t it work? When does the Better Bedder not hold the sheets in place? When the mattress that you bought and you assumed was a standard king (76”x80”) was actually 74”x78”!

So all these years you have been buying king sheets. Or, queen sheets. Or, whatever sheets. And every time you put them on your mattress, they are baggy. We are not talking about baggy because the sheets are deep pocket sheets and your mattress is not deep. We are talking about baggy all around. Check your mattress. If the top corners of your fitted sheet don't match the top corners of your mattress, then your mattress is not the size you think it is. 

Measure your mattress when you get home and you may be surprised. Below are the standard sizes of mattresses:
Twin 38" x 75"
Twin XL 38" x 80"
Full 54" x 75"
Full XL 54" x 80" (See Custom - RV)
Queen 60" x 80"
Short Queen 60" x 75" (See Custom - RV)
King 76" x 80"
Cal King 72" x 84"
Short King 72" x 75" (See Custom - RV)
Split King (Twin) two 38" x 75"
Split King (Twin XL) two 38" x 80"
Split King (Cal King) two 36" x 84"

Fitted sheets are made for these standard sizes listed above, which means the corners are made at these dimensions. Hmm… so do you know what that means? If your mattress is not the above standard size then the corners won’t match up and you will have a fitted sheet that is forever too loose or forever too tight!

We have lost count of the number of customers who were shocked when they measured their mattress and it was not a standard mattress even though it was sold to them as a standard mattress. We receive emails which sometimes include pictures showing their undersized mattresses. Here are actual comments we received from our customers:

“Our King mattress measures 78x75” – Nancy M.
“Unbeknownst to me, I apparently have a non-standard mattress. Our King mattress is 73x76” – Kay G.
“My queen bed measures 59x77.5” – Peggy P.
“We have a twin that measures 37x 78 is this really a twin?” Olga G.

We get these comments over and over. Thanks to accurate measurements of these undersized mattresses, the Better Bedder was able to help these customers. With the right size Better Bedder made to fit an undersized mattress, these customers can now use their current baggy sheets that will be held in place by that Better Bedder.

People, it’s not the sheets it’s the mattress.

If you do not have a standard size mattress we can make a custom size Better Bedder to hold your sheets in place.

If you have a standard size mattress then we guarantee our standard size Better Bedder will help to keep your sheet on your bed and as an extra you won’t have to lift your mattress to make your bed or change your sheets!

You’re welcome,
The Better Bedder

P.S. We actually suggest that you get rid of the fitted sheet and just use two flat sheets. Flat sheets won’t wear out like the elastic in a fitted sheet wears out. That means your sheets will last years longer and save you money from having to replace them so often.

The Better Bedder can get all those sheets to fit on your undersized mattress. But to do so, the Better Bedder must fit your mattress. The Better Bedder is made to fit those standard sizes listed above. So before ordering our standard size Better Bedder, measure your mattress to make sure it is not undersized.

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